MYTH BUSTER: What nobody understands about skin firming and loss of elasticity
One of the questions we get asked most is: how do I get firmer skin/stop my skin from getting saggy?
30 Jul 2018
Ageing skin: the best cleansers and make-up removers for any skin type
When it comes to ageing, the first thing to say is that your skin changes over time. So the type of skin you have and how it reacts to products in your twenties or thirties may not be the same in your fifties.
26 Jul 2018
Evening skincare routine: the anti-ageing night cream that helps you sleep
Ever wondered why they call it beauty sleep? Your skin actually works really hard while you’re sleeping. Sleep is super important for your skin and so is a great evening skin care routine to prepare for sleep.
13 Jun 2018
Could This Be the Best Vitamin C Serum for Fine Lines and Wrinkles?
As we age, our skin undergoes structural changes that affect its appearance. These changes can be broken down into 2 categories.
15 Jun 2017
The 3 Best Ways to Soften Fine Lines and Wrinkles
We chatted to skin therapist Christine about how we can protect our skin against wrinkles deepening really fast, and how we can smooth fine lines.
26 Apr 2017
How Guinot’s Age Logic Cellulaire Can Soften Fine Lines and Wrinkles
Find out more about this vital cream to slow the ageing process of skin cells and how to decide whether a premium skin product is right for you.
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