As we get older, skin’s structure weakens. Imagine a brand new knitted jumper - it is woven tight and neat, the jumper is smooth and smart. Yet, once the jumper has been through the washing machine a few times, the woven material begins to unravel - with pulls and bobbles making the knitwear appear shabby. This is similar to your skin - when you are young its structure is tight, neat and skin looks supple. As you get older, the structure begins to lose its integrity.
Changes in skins integrity can lead to more than wrinkles. In fact, as you get older, you might notice a change in the colour of your complexion. This can be caused by a number of factors. The one thing that every type of hyperpigmentation has in common is the irregular production of melanin (the brown or reddish pigment in skin.)
The good news is, Biolumin C Serum is the perfect treatment for the following types of hyperpigmentation: