Skin care serums are finally starting to getting the attention they deserve - these little bottles of goodness have largely gone unnoticed with many people looking for a complete skin care routine. We thought we’d go back to basics on serums, so you can tell your rejuvenating serums from your brightening serums and know what to look for in a skin care serum for your unique skin concerns. So let’s start at the start, what even is a serum? What kind do you need if any and why do you need to match your serum and moisturiser?
At Jersey Beauty Company, we love serums. We’re so used to using them and chatting about them, we thought we’d ask newbie to serums Hannah, one of our lovely Jersey Beauty Company team, to test some serums out.
A skin care serum is an oil or water skin care based product designed to be used in small quantities but with maximum benefits! You only need to use a rice grain sized amount for your whole face. Serums are packed full of active ingredients in concentrated amounts so you don’t need a lot to make a massive difference!
We have come up with four ways to find the perfect skin care serum for you, whether you want to rejuvenate your skin or to brighten your skin, or if you want a bit of hydration… whatever your skin concerns you can follow these simple steps and find the perfect skin care serum for your unique skin.
1. Know What To Expect From A Serum
Now we know what a serum is, you need to know what to expect from using a serum, so you can work out the best options for your skin concerns. Serums fall into the ‘boost’ bit of the golden skin care steps - they are adding extra goodness, not replacing any other step!
We recommend using a serum maybe two or three times a year - it may be that your skin is feeling sensitised or dehydrated, maybe with the change in seasons and weather - you would choose a serum and use it until the bottle was empty and had given your skin a boost.
So a serum isn’t a moisturiser? No. But it can add moisture. A serum is that added extra alongside your moisturiser. The molecules in serums are smaller and so can get deeper into the layers of your skin and give a boost to your skin at a deeper level. That’s why we also say to use the serum before your moisturiser, so it isn’t blocked from soaking into those layers.
A serum is packed full of active ingredients and not much else so it will have a lasting boosting effect on your skin, long after you have finished using it.
2. Be Specific When It Comes To Your Skin Type
We say this all the time at Jersey Beauty Company but there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all skin care product. So it makes sense with serums, that you need to know your skin type and be specific when choosing a skin care serum.
One common mistake people make is defining dry and dehydrated skin. Both types of skin are lacking something - but what they need is very different. Dry skin lacks oil whereas dehydrated skin lacks water. Maybe your skin is oily but has fine lines appearing and feels rough to the touch. You might think it is dry but it actually lacking water and not oil. You need a serum that hydrates your skin, not with oil but with water.
JBC’s Hannah tried the Guinot Serum Hydra Cellulaire. Hannah was really surprised that it was actually quite light to apply. One of the things that put Hannah, and many others, off serums is the idea that they will be like hair serums and will sit on top of the skin like a sticky mess!
Guinot Serum Hydra Cellulaire is a water based serum that absorbs quickly and is light on your skin. It is designed to keep the moisture that is already in your skin, locking it in, and to improve those levels. Rather than just pumping in ingredients that will add to the moisture levels, Guinot develop products that work to improve your natural moisture levels so when you have stopped using the serum the effects will continue.
Another common misconception is that people think they have sensitive skin when actually they have sensitised skin. That is partly the fault of some beauty companies who have encouraged people to buy certain products on the basis of their sensitive skin! Most of us have issues with sensitivity at times. Whether it’s down to the weather, hormones, stress or any number of other causes, our skin can become sensitised but this is different to true sensitive skin, which will normally also mean conditions like eczema.
If you are looking for a serum that will brighten your skin, Hannah really liked Dermalogica C12 Pure bright Serumit contains seaweed, which is a skin normaliser so will mimic the natural rhythms of your skin. It’s great for dealing with hyperpigmentation, sunburn and scarring or just if you want to brighten dull skin.
If you’re after a serum for mature skin, try Dermalogica Multivitamin Power Serum a powerful serum, packed full of vitamins specifically designed for ageing skin concerns. Or you could look at Guinot Longue Vie Serum a serum from Guinot that has been formulated for menopausal skin, packed full of vitamins to address specific skin concerns. Serums like these are designed for more mature skin, so it’s about recognising your individual skin needs and choosing wisely.
3. Get The Texture You Want
Serums are normally water based. But textures will differ between serums so it’s important you get a texture you feel happy putting on every day until it runs out!
Hannah tells us about Guinot Serum Liftosome: which is a popular serum amongst JBC customers, and is great for boosting collagen and elastin levels in ageing skin. That’s the stuff that causes our skin to feel hollow and allows for fine lines and wrinkles to deepen. But Hannah didn’t love the texture of this serum - it is a totally personal choice. For Hannah it wasn’t as light as some of the others. Some people love the luxurious feel on their skin, others like Hannah prefer a barely there feel.
But how do you get the texture right if you don’t get to try them all first?
4. Try Before You Buy
Serums are a higher cost purchase. They are a great investment but if you are investing, you want to get it right! That’s why we offer the chance to try before you buy at Jersey Beauty Company. And not just on serums. You can order sample size versions of the serums you are interested in and choose the one that feels right for your unique skin. All you pay for is the postage.
Choose the samples you’re interested in here and you can narrow it down to your favourite.
Choose the samples you’re interested in hereand you can narrow it down to your favourite.