Woaaah it’s January, how did that happen? The tree has gone, decs are down, and I’m ready to get on with this new year. I love January, it’s like a fresh canvas, a clean slate to create another year of memories. Christmas was great fun for me this year, Father Christmas delivered the right gift to the right kid (such relief!) Prosecco and Christmas pud were consumed - it was a fairly epic time of feasting!
But all feasting must come to an end, and I’m eager to get back to exercising and replacing a glass of bubbly for breakfast with a smoothie instead.
I’ve never been one for fad dieting or that January rush to the gym, but as I hurtle towards 40, exercise and healthy eating have come further up my list of priorities.
" I’m all about sustainability, I hate starting something which I can’t actually follow through, so I tend to attempt manageable goals rather than ones which will have fizzled out within a few weeks. "
A few years back, I had two kids in nappies and not sleeping at night, my new year’s resolution was to have a messy house - it really was - and I kept to it wonderfully!
As for keeping fit, I’m more likely to be found doing some gentle yoga in my living room. But, what about my skin? Having a fit body and healthy eating plan doesn’t always add up to the radiant skin I hoped for...
I realised about a year ago, that I could drink all the kale smoothies in the world but I also needed to pay attention to my skincare routine.
This time last year my skincare routine mostly consisted of ‘shampoo falling on my face in the shower’ and then slathering on whichever moisturiser I grabbed while in Tesco, but it wasn’t quite cutting it. Did you know that skin is the largest living organ in your body? Bit of a game changer that fact isn’t it? When presented with this fact, I realised that all the yoga and kale in the world wouldn’t alone give me the complexion I wanted. I looked in the mirror and saw red irritated skin, I needed help.
Unless I layered on make up, people would hold me gently by the arm, and in a very concerned voice say ‘‘Are you ok, you look really tired’’ I was like, ‘Yup, this is just my face without makeup.’
So I decided that a skin care routine was needed. Baby steps..I started with a basic cleanse tone and moisturise, for me that was progress.
I can safely say that Dermalogica products have been a turning point for me, my skin is still not amazing (broken sleep for 7 years is never a recipe for looking one’s best!) it’s sensitive and often has open pores, but it’s 100% better than it was when i was starting last year.
It’s softer and less irritated, I’ve added a skincare routine into my fitness and healthy eating schedule and I’m looking better!
So I say, ditch the fad diets, and over ambitious exercise goals, let’s aim for what we can manage all year round. This January I’m adding in some eye creams, exfoliation and a weekly masque. What’s your starting point? Join me in scaling up, just one step is all you need to take!
Here are 6 Points to Get Your Skin Fighting Fit:
Recently, I put these steps into action and reviewed Dermalogica's Ultracalming range, in the hope that you will feel totally inspired to join me in my quest for fit skin this year. Click the link below to watch my skin story. If you've got sensitive skin, this is certainly one to check out.