At Jersey Beauty Company, we think how we define beauty is really important. A lot of the beauty industry defines beauty in a really narrow way – they say that women should look a certain way, or at least spend all the time and money they can on trying to look that way, in order to be happy. A narrow definition of beauty is held up and anyone who doesn’t fit into that is shamed or cast aside, until they do.
It can be really hard sometimes, when we are being bombarded with this narrow view in the media and in adverts, to celebrate and love you and your unique beauty. Sometimes we can find ourselves losing self-esteem and confidence because we don’t have this ‘beauty’ that is being heralded. Boosting your self-esteem and radiating confidence starts with reminding ourselves what beauty is, celebrating our skin and doing all we can to be the happiest, healthiest version of ourselves!
Jersey Beauty Company
We don’t subscribe to that narrow definition of beauty at Jersey Beauty Company. We love our skin, how unique it is and we know our beauty comes from that uniqueness. We exist to help you to understand the skin you’re in, to love the beautiful, unique, remarkable you and to find the right skincare products to keep your unique remarkable skin happy and healthy.
We decided at the start of Jersey Beauty Company, we weren’t go to go along with that bit of the beauty industry that says beauty is just about youth. Beauty is about any age – it is about embracing the stage of life you are in and having happy and healthy skin. We know that it is impossible to lose your beauty! We love wrinkles and fine lines, but we also know that they can be a sign our skin is dehydrated or needs a helping hand repairing and rebuilding collagen and elastin levels, as we age. We know beauty is about skin education.
We refuse to be a part of that bit of the beauty industry that shames women who don’t fit a narrow mould of what beauty has been defined as. We use real women to model for our products and on our website because we want to celebrate real women. Not women who look like they could be everyday, but women who work in our company, in the offices nearby. They are the women we exist to provide a service for, so they are the models on our website.
Boosting Self-Esteem and Confidence At Any Age
There are two easy concepts to this boosting your self-esteem and confidence at any age – celebration and health. They are the perfect antidote to the way the media and adverts often make us feel – grasping these two ideas can help us to redefine our idea of beauty and to understand how caring for our skin at every age will give you confidence to be the happy remarkable you!
There’s No-One Quite Like You
And that’s a good thing! You are extraordinary and unique. You are not like anyone else and no one else is like you. Trying to be like someone else is not celebrating who you are, who you were created to be.
Have you ever been looking at a photo of a celebrity and thought, or maybe even said, “I wish I had skin like hers.” Why? You have skin like yours! No-one else will have skin exactly like you. We love saying this at Jersey Beauty Company but everyone’s skin is unique. So celebrate it! When you say you wish you had skin/a figure/hair like someone else’s, you are actually saying, “I wish I didn’t have skin like mine”. Which is crazy because your skin is perfect for you!
Some people may look similar, may sound similar and may act similar but no one has had your life experience, so stand proud and tall, and individual, created and extraordinary!
In short, celebrate you!
You Can Still Appreciate Her Beauty Whilst Celebrating Your Own
OK, so we were talking the other day about Tess Daly’s hair and how much we love it. She always has such elegant styles and always looks so glam! When we did that that though, there wasn't a dual meaning. We celebrated Tess’s hair without feeling ashamed about our own. When you celebrate who you are, you can celebrate who other people are too, and you can do that without the need to compare and contrast. As nice as Tess's hair is, it wouldn't look right on us.
We’ve become a bit conditioned to only celebrating someone else’s beauty in an attempt to do down our own, or just as bad, the other way round – how many times have you seen an article shaming a celebrity for having cellulite? The underlying message is celebrate the fact you don’t have that problem. That isn’t celebration!
We want to celebrate you, celebrate who you are. We don't want to make you ashamed of you, that's nuts. But rather we thank God that you exist with all the colours and variety and richness you bring into this world. You are amazing, your structure is amazing, you are fabulous and dare I say it, beautiful. Very beautiful indeed.
When we grasp what it is to truly celebrate our unique beauty at every age, we start to radiate confidence. And it spreads like wildfire! Celebrating our unique beauty also leads to the second key – health. Once we start celebrating our uniqueness, we get how important skin health is and how understanding how to care for your unique skin is so important.
Healthy Skin Starts With Skin Education
The beauty industry have been really clever with the idea of what healthy skin is too – we are bombarded with the idea that ageing is a negative, that wrinkles are wrong and that a one-size-fits-all skin care is the only way to be ‘healthy’.
We wanted to go back to basics at Jersey Beauty Company. We want you to understand your skin. We found a lot of women who were always trying to do something new, something better for anti-ageing, which we found really sad because the reality is, you are only getting older. We want to help you to embrace your ageing skin, to see that beauty doesn’t fade with age! We want to bring it back to the main point of skincare – to keep your skin healthy.
We’re not saying don’t try new products – we love new stuff! We also love products we’ve been using for a while. What we are saying is choose skin care based on what it best for your skin health, not what you are being told you must use to be beautiful.
You are beautiful.
We want to celebrate your unique place in the world, but also help you be a healthy you. A healthy you is ideal.
Celebrate health.
Healthy Skin Radiates Confidence
When you understand your unique skin and learn to work with it, you will see your skin radiate health and life. You will walk into a room and light it up because you will radiate that very uniqueness only you can bring!
To help you to understand your skin and how to best care for your unique skin concerns, we created a free guide to download - The Ultimate Skincare Guide. You can download it here: