What is "Loss of Elasticity"?
At Jersey Beauty Company, we are proageing. That means we love getting older and we celebrate ageing. Of course, we do want to help skin stay as healthy as possible, and one of the customer questions we get asked most is “how can I keep my skin firm when it’s starting to age?” Skin Therapist Nicola explains that skin firming is a real concern for many. As you get older, you may notice that your skin does not appear extremely firm or plump. Areas of skin around your face and neck may begin to sag or drop, and this is a true sign that your skin’s structure is not at it’s healthiest.
Why is my skin losing its elasticity?
Collagen and Elastin
Collagen is the primary structural protein found in our skin. It’s the glue that holds you together and keeps your skin supple. Almost 90% of the protein in your skin is collagen by medical definition. Yet, from early to mid 20s you start to lose about one and a half percent of collagen a year. Couple this with the fact that your skin also loses elastin (another protein that gives skin elasticity and solidity) and you can begin to understand why many have concerns about sagging skin or loss of suppleness.
How we lose collagen and elastin
Dermalogica’s Skin Therapist Jane explains that you will naturally lose collagen and elastin as you age but also you will face external factors that can diminish your collagen production, fast. UVA rays from the sun are the number one extrinsic cause behind sagging skin, which is no longer supple. UVA rays simply break down your collagen and elastin. When collagen and elastin are broken down in this way, skin becomes weak and loose.
Another leading cause behind loss of elasticity is your diet. If you do not eat foods that aid your body’s natural ability to produce collagen, you will find that your skin’s structure deteriorates at a faster pace. Foods that are high in fatty acid like omega 9 will keep the skin firm and dewy. Yet, many of us do not eat healthy and so the structure of our skin – collagen and elastin that hold our bodies together – depletes.
Treatment for loss of elasticity
There are many treatments that will benefit the suppleness of your skin. Perhaps one of the most effective is skin serum.
Skin Serum
Serums are cocktails of active ingredients, which provide a booster shot of goodness to your skin’s deepest layers. Skin Therapist Nicola describes serums as “an injection of life” for the skin. These concentrated nutrients are extremely wonderful for your skin’s dermis (the deepest layer of your skin’s structure).