Do you have issues with breakouts? You are not alone. We understand how this can get you down. Breakouts can be unpredictable and leave you feeling miserable. And they can always seem to happen when you are off on that big night out or special day! The good news is that there are skincare products out there that can help deal with breakouts. If you have researched this topic or have visited a skincare therapist, you will probably have come across the ingredient salicylic acid. There has been a growing trend towards using skincare products for breakouts that contain salicylic acid. But what a lot of people don’t know is that there is skincare ingredient technology that actually will rapidly fix spots in just 15 minutes. And that Dermalogica have combined this TT technology with salicylic acid in their new breakout product.
We thought we should take a look at the active ingredients in this results driven, effective skincare product, that is already a fast favourite of those with breakouts. We are really interested in this fast acting skincare product that could be the answer to your stresses over spots.