OK, confession time: on average, how many times a week do you moisturise the skin on your body, head to toe?
You might be brilliant at moisturising the skin on your face, but are you really skin-savvy, when it comes to conditioning your arms, neck and legs? The skin on your body tends to be drier, as it is often forgotten. Think about it: your body is typically covered in clothes. Fabrics absorb your natural oils making your skin dry and flaky.
As essential oils and nutrients are stripped away, skin loses its plump and smooth texture. If we don’t moisturise our skin, it will begin to feel dry and tight because we’re losing water/moisture from it. Moisturiser works by either trapping moisture in the skin to keep it from escaping, or by putting moisture that’s been lost, back into the outer layer of skin.
The secret to year-round silky, smooth skin that is happy and healthy is to use a nourishing body cream everyday, even in the winter.