Quite simply, your skin’s tone is the one underlying colour or hue that surfaces your complexion. Your skin therapist would comment that your skin tone is uneven if it shows patches of redness or perhaps has areas that are darker or much lighter than your skin’s overall hue.
What is uneven skin tone?
You might have “age spots” or “brown spots” on your skin, these are simply areas of skin that are darker in tone, in comparison to the rest of your skin’s colour. Age spots and brown spots can develop over time and are characteristic of an uneven skin tone.
If you are pregnant, you may also spot darker patches of skin over your nose, which Jersey Beauty Skin Therapist, Christine, names a “butterfly mask” or “pregnancy mask.” This is a hormonal response to pregnancy that appears on the skin’s surface.
What causes uneven skin tone?
“Hyperpigmentation” is the term for skin that is characterised by patches of darker skin between normal skin tones. This includes age spots, brown spots and areas of scarring. Hyperpigmentation occurs when there is an overproduction of “melanin” – the property that colours our skin. It is made in skin cells known as “melanocytes”and when these cells group, a darker tone appears on the outermost layer of skin. Uneven skin tone or hyperpigmentation can be genetic, so while it’s important to nourish skin – you should also embrace birthmarks and freckles alike. Your pigmentation or skin tone makes you remarkably unique! Hormonal pigmentation such as “pregnancy mask” will pass with time, and so will not necessarily respond to brightening products.
Redness is another cause behind uneven skin tone. If you have the skin condition “rosacea”you may have reddened cheeks on a regular basis. According to Dermalogica Skin Therapist, Jane, this is a common skin concern, and typically the ideal way to treat a red and uneven skin tone is to use a tinted product. On the primary colour wheel, red is at the opposite spectrum to green. Therefore, some products are tinted green in order to nurture your red skin tone back to neutral.
Dull or darkened skin
Some reports of uneven skin tone include skin that is dull or darker in appearance. Your skin cells will naturally renew themselves so that bright, healthy cells will appear on skin’s surface. However, as you age, this process of cell renewal slows down. If you do not exfoliate skin regularly, your skin will appear dull where dead skin cells have collected. To even a dull complexion, exfoliation is crucial.
Treatment for uneven skin tone
For Hyperpigmentation
If you suffer hyperpigmentation, you can use brightening products that work to lighten skin’s melanin. Skin Therapist, Nicola, prescribes Guinot’s Newhite Brightening range “which is fantastic for lightening pigmentation,” she comments. Guinot’s Newhite range is brilliant, and includes everything from cleansers to face wash to serum, so there really is something for everyone. Newhite isn’t solely for hyperpigmentation, it will help you achieve an even skin tone it gives fantastic results!