Has your makeup changed much over the years?
When you learnt to do your makeup, I bet your skin was youthful and taut, your lips fuller, your eyebrows higher. Am I right? The makeup you wore in your 20s suited your youthful skin. It was fun trying out new looks because you could carry them off. Now, post 40, you are probably finding that your skin is very different to what it was back then. Here’s the question, has the makeup you apply and the way you apply it changed much? Truth is, as our skin ages, the makeup we apply and the way we do it should change to reflect our changing beauty. Makeup industries make products designed for youthful skin so products we think will look good on our skin, actually end up leaving us a bit disappointed because they aren't suited to mature skin. We can end up wasting time and money without finding the makeup we want and what our skin needs. So where does a post 40 woman go for makeup advice and makeup that really will suit the face they have now, not the face they once had?