It is said that your eyes are the windows to your soul.
So, with that being said you might need to know how to look after your peepers to make sure they are looking and feeling their best. But where to start? First let’s just take some time to understand why looking after your eyes and eye area is important in the first place, no matter what your age.
Using an eye cream protects the skin around your eyes better than a moisturiser that is simply designed only for the skin on your face. The skin around your eyes is drastically thinner than anywhere else on your body therefore it is needs are going to be different from the rest of your face and body. Thinner skin means that when your eyes are tired or stressed fluid can collect under the eye causing puffiness and dark circles to appear larger and darker. As you age your skin makes less and less collagen (a naturally made protein that holds our bodies' tissue and bones together), environmental damage to the skin becomes repetitive and sun damage can occur daily - protecting your eyes with a cream, gel, patch, or serum can help fight against fine lines and wrinkles forming as you get older whilst soothing sore eyes or giving them a radiant glow!
So, when should you start to wear an eye cream? Simple answer: Earlier, the better. Before you even start to see any fine lines, it is best to start preventing them from forming in the first place, that is right, you twenty-something babes can start now. So, whether you are 21 or 81, there is an eye solution out there for you, whatever your needs.
Here is a breakdown of all Dermalogica's clinically proven eye creams, gels, and serum to make it easier for you to choose the best ones to keep your windows gleaming...

If you have Puffy Eyes:
NEW Awaken Peptide Eye Gel
Benefits those who suffer with puffy, swollen or tired eyes. Formulated with Peptides, Diosmin and Forskolin to create a highly effective combination to reduce the appearance of puffy eyes and visibly firms and smooth the texture of the skin to make your eyes appear less puffy and swollen.
Your eyes are at their puffiest in the morning, so use this depuffing cream once you’ve woken daily.
Want to find out more about this NEW Dermalogica Awaken Eye Peptide Gel -->