At Jersey Beauty Company we love double cleansing so we love Dermalogica’s Precleanse Balm. In fact, we’re so excited that we asked Dermalogica education executive, Victoria Scofield, to chat to two of our Jersey Beauty Company friends about how the Precleanse Balm can help with menopausal skin.
Menopause is a natural part of the ageing process and at Jersey Beauty Company we don’t think it’s talked enough about in the beauty industry. Menopause can massively affect your skin leaving it dry and sensitive - as your hormones are changing, chances are your skin concerns will be changing too. So how can Dermalogica Precleanse Balm help you at this stage in the ageing process?
Introducing Dermalogica Education Executive Victoria Scofield
Dermalogica education executive Victoria has nearly twenty five years of experience as a skin therapist, and has worked for Dermalogica for fifteen years. Victoria chats to two women in the fifties about their skin concerns and how Dermalogica Precleanse Balm can be a great addition to their skin care regime.
Introducing Julie and Sue – our lovely JBC customers
Julie and Sue are our two amazing JBC customers, who chatted to Dermalogica therapist Victoria about their skin concerns. Julie, in her fifties, explains how she used to have an oily T-Zone in her 20’s, 30’s and 40’s but during menopause that disappeared, which was good news for oily breakouts, as they too went! Julie has some issues with dryness, but no sensitivity. Julie’s main concerns are the dryness and that her skin loses its elasticity and suppleness. Sue admits to not really having the time to think about her skin at all through her 20s, 30s, and probably even to mid-40s. It was then she noticed quite a change and some breakouts. Sue doesn’t really have concerns with excess oil though but does have more wrinkles around her eyes, and can see a difference in her skin when she’s tired.
Menopause has an effect on your skin. While it is different for every unique individual, it will have some effect, That’s because your hormones fluctuating, explains skin therapist Victoria, particularly you lose oestrogen. During menopause, your oestrogen levels drop, so that have an effect on oil production. You have lots of tiny glands, called sebaceous glands, that produce oil to keep your skin protected. This is regulated by oestrogen so dropping of oestrogen levels can affect it in one of two ways – either oilier or drier skin. Oestrogen levels changing also affects the way your skin can produce collagen, that’s the scaffolding of your skin. So for a lot of women, when we're going through these menopausal years, we see a real acceleration in the ageing process, with deepening lines and wrinkles. Which is what Sue is noticing – when she talks about her skin looking like it has more wrinkles.
One of the many reasons we love Dermalogica at JBC is because, like us, they don’t focus on anti-ageing, miracle cures but on what will make your skin the healthiest it can be. We love our wrinkles, they are a natural part of the ageing process. We don’t want to hide or reverse that. But we do recgonise that some of our deepening lines and wrinkles are the result of our skin not being as healthy as it could be. Dermalogica education executive Victoria takes us through why the Dermalogica Double Cleanse can be a key to healthier menopausal skin.
Both of our lovely JBC customers, Julie and Sue, use a cleanser. But neither of them double cleanse. Dermalogica’s Victoria is eager to show them the beauty step they’ve been missing out on. The ‘Step Zero’ of a skin care routine, is to use a Precleanse. Now you might have a cleanser you love but Dermalogica’s Precleanse Balm is worth a look as a step before the cleanser.
Victoria showed Sue and Julie how to apply the precleanse balm and talked them through how it works as they applied it.
It goes on as a balm, turning into an oil on the skin. It works to really melt and break through any makeup, oil, dirt, and debris. It certainly melted through Julie’s lipstick! It cuts through waterproof mascara, waterproof makeup and eyebrow pencils. How? The concept with an oil cleanser is that oil is attracted to oil. So the oils on your skin, oils in your makeup, SPFs and even your waterproof makeup, it literally just starts to melt through that. It's really great for a more mature skin with the balmy texture because it's really really nourishing. So, the apricot kernel oil in there is what you can feel as the oil, which is really nourishing with essential fatty acids that can really build in the skin. Which is great news for Julie and her skin concerns of dryness. Essential fatty acids are key to rebuilding the lipid barrier – the oily layer that sits on top of your skin and protects against dryness and sensitivity.
Once you have worked through dry, and all the dirt, grime and debris has been attracted to the balm, you then need to emulsify before you rinse. This is really simple. You just need a little water to work up the oil into a milky texture. What happens in this emulsifying stage is that all the dirt and debris is encapsulated so when we rinse, we get rid of all the dirt and grime and also so that we don’t leave an oily residue.
Then we are ready to use a cleanser.
Dermalogica Victoria recommends for menopausal skin following Dermalogica Precleanse Balm with Dermalogica Skin Resurfacing Cleanser, one of the AGE smart cleansing products. The Skin Resurfacing Cleanser is really creamy, so will help to further nourish the dry, sensitive skin we get in our older years, as Julie had mentioned. But as it is an AGE Smart product, it's really designed to regenerate the skin, which is great for the concerns that Sue mentioned at the start. It contains lactic acid which will help to stimulate skin cell turnover. As we get older, our skin cell regeneration naturally starts to slow down, so this cleanser gives our skin a helping hand. As it regenerates the skin, it will take away that dull feeling skin can have, where wrinkles can appear deeper and skin look tired.
If your skin is sensitised, you might want to alternate using the Skin Resurfacing Cleanser with something gentler like the Essential Cleansing Solution.
Using Dermalogica Precleanse Balm followed by Dermalogica Skin Resurfacing Cleanser left both Sue and Julie’s skin feeling soft, not at all tight, and super clean! But we’re not done yet – Dermalogica therapist Victoria has two more steps she wants to touch on. First, using a toner is a really great way to protect your now super cleansed skin from the environmental effects you’re about to face in your everyday life. Dermalogica Antioxidant Hydramist from the AGE smart line, is all about hydrating and adding moisture to the skin. It contains peptides which help to stimulate collagen and also has a flush firming effect. It is packed full of antioxidants to protect your skin.
Then, Victoria recommends the Dermalogica Intensive Moisture Balance for your moisturising step. Adding in some Solar Defence Booster to your moisturiser in the morning will give your skin SPF protection.
As Sue, one of our two lovely JBC customers mentioned at the start her concern about her eyes, Dermalogica’s Victoria couldn’t let her go without introducing her to the Dermalogica Age Reversal Eye Complex, which contains retinol and is a great product, that you only need a small amount of each night, to help deal with puffiness and tired eyes during menopause.
Which brings us back to the Dermalogica Pre-cleanse Balm – the great thing about using a Precleanser is that you ensure your skin is really clean and so products, like the Age Reversal Eye Complex can really penetrate deep into the skin and work more effectively.
If you’d like to know more about Dermalogica Precleanse Balm, the active ingredients that might be the answer for some of your unique skin concerns and how to get a free Dermalogica ergonomically designed mitt for precleansing, download our guide here: