Now it’s not really like us to do this, but we need to get serious for a minute. Because someone sent us an article the other day. It said in it that the ‘filler’ industry is now worth an estimated £3bn.
That made us really sad at Jersey Beauty Company.
That so many people are looking to supposed miracle quick fixes like Botox and dermal fillers to ‘get rid of wrinkles’.
To us that is a sign - that the beauty industry is a bit broken.
We believe that skin care is about celebrating and keeping healthy your unique remarkable skin, whatever your age. It should never be about shaming women. But, rather than educating us about how we can treat the underlying issues of fine lines and wrinkles that might be an indicator we need more hydration, collagen and elastin to strengthen our skin, some parts of the beauty industry have become too quick to encourage us to take a quick fix that actually can be damaging to our skin in the long term.
At Jersey Beauty Company, we know it is impossible to lose your beauty! Ageing skin should be celebrated as a part of the unique, remarkable you! But we also know that deepening wrinkles and fine lines are your skin’s way of saying it needs some help as you age. And we also shouldn’t ignore that message from our skin!
That’s why we love Mary Cohr – they are pharmaceutical, scientific and all about skin health. They have worked to find non-abrasive ways to keep your ageing skin healthy. Having conducted research into ageing skin, and the underlying causes of deepening wrinkles and lines, we love the results in Mary Cohr’s products.
We chat to Mary Cohr therapist Jodie all about Mary Cohr, what it can offer your unique skin, and where to start with Mary Cohr.
So, what is Mary Cohr?
Mary Cohr might be a new name to you, but Guinot may be more familiar. Well the two are sister companies. Based in Paris, Mary Cohr make products to pharmaceutical standards in their laboratories, which sets them apart from a lot of beauty brands. And that’s not the only thing that sets them apart – they were the first salon brand to ensure all their products were GMO-free, paraben-free, chemical filter-free, and made with skin-compatible scents.
Mary Cohr goes to the heart of nature to find the best possible ingredients for skin care.
All sounding good so far, isn’t it? And pretty much as far as you can get from the narrow part of the beauty industry who are encouraging quick fix solutions.
Now you might be sitting there thinking, yep, all this is great but how can Mary Cohr help me and my unique skin as it naturally ages? Well to start to answer that we probably need a bit of info from skin therapist Jodie about what causes those fine lines and wrinkles we all associate purely with ageing.
What causes fine lines and wrinkles?
It’s a bit of a million dollar question that. Well, ageing, right? Not quite. Well, yes, but not just ageing. As our skin ages we do develop fine lines and wrinkles but the reasons for them are vast. We need to understand a bit more than that to know how to treat our skin as it ages. We need to get a bit of the science behind things.
Skin therapist Jodie explains that any number of things actually cause fine lines and wrinkles to start appearing on our skin:
- Stress
- Poor diet
- Environment – sun exposure, weather
- Pollution
What is causing the lines and wrinkles s far less interesting and important than the way those lines and wrinkles are formed. The science behind our skin is what we need to understand to know how to treat deepening lines and wrinkles. And we don’t want to go too deep into the science but a bit of an overview will help us see if Mary Cohr can help.
Loss of Collagen and Elastin
So, as you age, you naturally lose collagen and elastin. Why is that a problem? Well, collagen is the stuff that keeps your skin looking plump and elastin is the stuff that keeps your skin firm. So you can see, the combination of starting to lose both collagen and elastin from your skin is why fine lines and wrinkles begin to appear on your face.
Although it’s a natural process, we also lose additional collagen and elastin when our skin is:
- Dehydrated – we sometimes mistake dry skin for dehydrated skin (lacking water). Trans-epidermal water loss (the process of the layers of your skin losing water when you sleep) can cause deepening lines and wrinkles
- Exposed to the sun – there is a bit of a complicated scientific process, involving free radicals that we’ll save for another blog (!) but prolonged exposure to the sun causes us to lose collagen and elastin. This combined with the natural ageing process can mean we see deepening lines and wrinkles.
Cell Turnover Decreases
The other natural effect of ageing is that your cell turnover decreases. That means your body is slower at replacing cells. So when you lose collagen and elastin, as we have talked about already, it is a slower process for your body to replace those supplies. That’s when your skin may start to feel hollow and saggy. And just not as healthy as it should feel. That’s why we need a helping hand in our skin care.
Put simply, we need products that respond to the unique challenges our skin faces as it ages.