You have our compassion if you have a seriously dry or flaky skin condition! Like a newborn baby, a dry skin condition can require constant comfort and attention. Without the right treatment it doesn’t seem content for long periods of time and cries out for attention, when you least expect. You might even find yourself longing for the natural oils associated with oily skin, because, let’s face it - dry skin is hard work.
But if you treat your dry skin with great care and the right products, you will be in awe of how exceptional your skin can make you feel. Let us help you replenish those natural oils and make your dry skin condition a thing of the past.
Our Skin Therapist team know that if you have dry skin, your complexion is actually lacking oil, not water. If your moisturizer isn't doing the job, the very best thing you can do to cure dryness is add a few drops of face oil to your daily skincare routine. But don't worry, this subtle treatment won't make your skin too oily. Even if you have sensitive skin, we know every one of your little skin cells won’t be disappointed with Dermalogica’s Phyto Replenish Oil.