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World Menopause Month - October 2022

From adult acne to hot flushes. Every woman will go through the Menopause at some point - let's figure out those saviour products to get your skin and bodies through this hormonal shift.

Simplify your life with this brand new serum - skincare just got a whole lot smarter!

We caught up with Dermalogica’s Education Manager Victoria Evans to find out more about the brand new Smart Response Serum from Dermalogica, a next-gen smart serum that delivers what your skin needs, when it needs it.

Future-proof your youth with Dermalogica high-spec SPF moisturiser

In this video Jersey Beauty Co Beth interviews Dermalogica’s Education Executive Victoria Schofield about Dermalogcia’s Prisma Protect SPF 30 moisturiser. She finds out why this product is the ultimate daily sun defence cream, protecting skin from UVA and UVB rays.

Everything You Need to Know About Dermalogica’s Prisma Protect SPF 30 Day Cream

In this video, Jersey Beauty Co Beth interview’s Dermalogica’s Education Executive Victoria to find out what Dermalogica’s Prisma Protect daytime moisturiser is all about!

Six easy steps for how to keep tight skin on your face

As you age, your skin naturally starts to lose its firmness. What can you do to treat sagging skin and to keep tight skin on your face? Read now for 6 easy steps.

Is it Possible to Improve Skin’s Elasticity?

Do skin elasticity creams really work? What causes a loss of elasticity and what can you actually do? Read now.

Do French Pharmacies Hold the Best Skin Care Products for Ageing Skin?

We take a look inside a French pharmacy to see what we can learn about the best skin care products for our ageing skin. Read now.

Age Like a French Women (Without Breaking the Budget)

What can French women teach us about how to care for our ageing skin and the process? Read now.

Everything You Need To Know About Free Radicals and Your Ageing Skin

So free radicals… you’ve likely seen those words before…maybe in blogs and articles about your skin. Maybe even on skincare products. But exactly what are free radicals? How can they damage your ageing skin? Are they just a marketing myth? We’ve got the lowdown on everything you need to know about free radicals and your ageing skin, with the help of a skin therapist Victoria.

Are The Wrinkles On Your Face Really Caused By Ageing?

The best way to treat fine lines and wrinkles is to KNOW what’s causing your wrinkles and then use the right product accordingly.

MYTH BUSTER: What nobody understands about skin firming and loss of elasticity

One of the questions we get asked most is: how do I get firmer skin/stop my skin from getting saggy?