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Get Back In Control with Balance Me

If you're struggling with unruly skin, irritation & stress induced breakouts... Balance Me, our Brand of the Month, has the holy grail product for you!

World Menopause Month - October 2022

From adult acne to hot flushes. Every woman will go through the Menopause at some point - let's figure out those saviour products to get your skin and bodies through this hormonal shift.

4 Skin Therapist Reasons to Take Care of Your Skin in The Menopause

Hormones during menopause cause significant changes for the skin’s structure. Here are some beauty therapist tips and advice on how to best look after your skin.

Why Dermalogica’s Precleanse Balm Cleanser is suitable for menopausal skin

We asked Dermalogica expert Victoria Scofield to chat to 2 of our customers in their 50’s about their menopausal skin concerns and how precleanse balm can help.

3 Great Moisturisers for Dry, Menopausal Skin

During the menopause, women notice that their skin becomes drier. For some who have struggled with oily skin, their skin may all of a sudden start to look gorgeous but for lots, dry skin becomes a big skin concern.

Mary Cohr, the skincare brand that's all about ingredients!

Nourish your skin with the best active botanicals from Mary Cohr starting with a moisturiser targeted to your skin type!

Everything You Need To Know About Free Radicals and Your Ageing Skin

So free radicals… you’ve likely seen those words before…maybe in blogs and articles about your skin. Maybe even on skincare products. But exactly what are free radicals? How can they damage your ageing skin? Are they just a marketing myth? We’ve got the lowdown on everything you need to know about free radicals and your ageing skin, with the help of a skin therapist Victoria.